Introducing Me


So here is a little bit about me:

My name is Jana and I am a 14-year old homeschooled student

I am the oldest of 3 kids, I have a 13 year old brother named Jesse and a 10 year old sister named Megan

My wonderful mom and dad. My mom is officially my favorite teacher.  My mom is also blogging about our journey. You can find her blog here.

I LOVE to read and am constantly looking for new books to read

I am 5"9 and love to wear high heels

I am quiet at first but anyone who really knows me knows that I am not afraid to speak my mind!

My family and I are in the process of moving to West Africa

Right now I am learning French and am trying to make sense of it

The Hobbit: Part 1

I really enjoy period dramas but I also am really looking forward to the Hobbit coming out on December 14!!

I hope that this blog can be encouraging, entertaining and helpful as I share my thoughts with y'all!!

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3 notes

  1. Yay, a post finally! When did you get glasses? You look so cute in them!

  2. I got glasses about 2 weeks ago. I have finally gotten used to them cause for a while they were giving me a headache.

  3. This is great, Jana! It will be fun to see things through your eyes. Gotta plan our day out ;)


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