Spring has Sprung!


It has been such blessing to be able to live in a rural area again. To wake up to birds singing and the chickens clucking, waiting to be let out of their pen. To be able to hunt squirrels and turkeys, work in the garden, enjoy the sunshine and cool breezes.

 We are in a small town that has a great library and sweet people. It has been so wonderful to have people make eye contact and smile at you.

There are things that I definitely miss about being in Atlanta, not being able to spend lots of time with cousins and seeing folks from church more often.

I can definitely see that God had a plan when He moved us to Atlanta, much to our chagrin. He brought people and family into our life that we otherwise wouldn't have known. He helped us feel "at home" even when we were out of our comfort zone.

Being able to move here has reminded me how God is so good to take us to places where He knows we will be happiest. I am so thankful for these little reminders of how much He loves us.


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