everyday blessing {3}


+ bible study in proverbs, i think by the end half of my bible will be highlighted
+ pinterest quote boards
+ studying the parts of history that i love in school
+ journaling on the porch after the first rain in 2 weeks
+ the smell of rain 
+ hanging out with my brother and the camera
+ little reminders, like these thorns, that life here is truly hard, and i'm not just a wimp
+ catching up with school work and feeling accomplished every day
+ friends who had to go back to the states for a medical emergency coming back next week (hopefully)
+ new burkinabé outfits from a friend 
+ having someone over for dinner for the first time since moving here, a lovely lady who has been serving the Lord here for 24 years
+ facebook,  making friends & family who are far away, wether in here in burkina or the states, seem not so far
+ black and white photos… they make me happy
+ the Lords faithfulness to fill me up when i've been running empty for a while
+ my community of blogs and blogger friends that make me smile
+ my mom, she's been a bigger blessing to me in the past few weeks than i ever could've imagined
+ chicks to hatch any day
+ the first steps of a nest
+ finally being motivated to post and having some ideas
+ the Lord showing me to look past all the hardships and enjoy the little gifts He gives

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3 notes

  1. <3 This is such a wonderful list. Rain smells so good! I really like those pictures...what kind of camera do you use? (I'm trying to figure out what kind to get. :))


    1. well i'm glad, i was kinda scrounging for pics! but i use a sony NEX-F3. it is by no means a fancy camera but it takes amazing night photos, which, while we were living in France made it super fun. for me it is the right balance of letting me mess around with aperture, exposure & ISO and being able to snap a quick pic that still looks nice. so i hope that helps!

    2. Okay, cool. Thanks! :) Oh, I bet you have a lot of awesome & beautiful pictures from France! Where were you? My family went there a few years ago and the countryside was so pretty, and of course Paris was so fun to go to. :)



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