the archives, vol. 2: sunday


everyone needs a sabbath, a day of rest.
well, those are hard to come by here.

sunday is church in two languages other than your own, one that you understand & one that you don't, and it's hard.  bodies are squeezed on backless wooden benches like beads on a string.
men, women & children sections, splashes of colors in a mixed up rainbow, with our pale skin being the only inconsistency in the strands.
the blessing of rain only brings mixed feelings when strained ears are put to the test as african rains hit the tin of roofs.
it's the sabbath, and learning to love worshiping our Savior even when it's not how we would first choose.
it's learning how to truly worship.
it's learning how to learn how to embrace the culture that we love, that's not our own.
following the example that He gace when He came to a culture other than His own, to bring glory to the Father. 

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1 notes

  1. "following the example that He faced when He came to a culture other than His own, to bring glory to the Father." Excellent persepective.


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