

we went to the market and bought baskets for organizing stuff and beautiful pagnè that i am super excited about and vegetables and bread, just mom and i and it was so, so nice.  taking time to just go and be, even when we were just getting stuff done that we needed to.  taking the time to make it a get to, instead of a have to.  

then we came home & i worked on school until i followed mom outside and then we spent the next three hours shelling a kilo or two of peanuts (painful) with our neighbor.  and we talked about cooking and showers and bedtime and cars and a bunch of other things.  all the while, i was making faces at the kids and trying to figure out which babies were scared of me and which ones just laughed or stared back at me with big eyes. 

now mind you, our "talking" was a lot of me looking at mom for an explanation of what the jula meant and when she didn't know it, we would ask in french.  and then there would be talk in between the other ladies in jula, and then in french, and mom and i would try to talk it out in english to understand, and then we would start all over again.  a long, complicated dance that sometimes flows and other times, it just doesn't.  but we still talk and laugh and learn to live life with one another.  

and at the end of the day, my fingers are red and sore, and my body feels drained from the sun's merciless heat, but i am content.  because this is where He has me and there is no better place to be than in the center of His plan for my life.  

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7 notes

  1. Jana, this sounds like God really does have you exactly where He needs you. As much as I wish He had me somewhere like Africa too, I'm learning to be content in my season of life too <3 <3 Give those adorable babies a kiss for me!!!

    Chloe | Curious Ramblings

    1. The Lord definitely has plans for you, even if for now they are in the states, but I trust that if He has given you a heart for the lost, He will definitely use it!!

  2. This is so cool. It's lovely to hear about your ordinary daily life there! The photos are precious :)

  3. Hey Jana!
    I just have to say--that little girl is SO ADORABLE!
    I also wanted you to know that your blog posts are one of the highlights of my week. I feel so encouraged and energized when I read your posts.
    It amazes me that a girl who loves rain and cold weather, is willing to smile in a place where it is never cold...someone who loves scarves and boots, can can never find a cool enough day to wear them...I admire the fact that you are allowing God's presence to fill your every need.
    You are an amazing photographer, and I love your writing style!
    Thank you so much for taking the time to share your life with us!

    1. Abigail, it is SO good to hear from you!! I was thinking of just yesterday and decided that I needed to get your e-mail so we can talk!
      You have no clue how what a blessing and encouragement it is to hear those words! Thanks you so, so much!! Hope to talk to you soon girly!!

  4. Hey, I just found your blog, and I love it! :) This is so wonderful. Prayers for you:)


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