introducing... the archives.


there's things that come at times that aren't ready for them.
or we aren't ready for them.
either way, it's just not right.

so now i'm gonna give you the archives

the things that came, but it wasn't time.

so think throwback, flashback, that whole things.  just without the overused, although sometimes helpful hashtag.

we're going back to forever ago, to all those little things that slip behind the couch and between the cracks.
they gather dust, random words cling to their surface but with one eyes-closed blow, the light once again hits them.
beautiful, ugly, raw, real.
however they are, there they be.

gone over with an Author-grown pen that has been softened or sharpened as He has guided the sharpening grind of the stones.
it's been a growing process, tearing down and building up.
one that is still happening, it's still in full swing + i'm still learning to lean into it, turning my face to the one who knows when my finicky flesh tries to take over + spread panic.
He is the only one who can truly ease it all, cause He knows.
and not only does He know, He loves me.
in my broken, rebellious, sinful state of humanity that has it's grip on me, He loves me still.
and it's still happening, and forever will be.
the going over.
again and again and again.
as we strive towards the city that is not of this earth, but is of heaven.

 so once again, the archives.

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