French Update


If the reality TV show people were super smart I think that they would start shows about families trying to learn a second language. The result would be a hysterical comedy that would probably make people that really speak French cry, either our of laughter or utter frustration.

 Learning a language is hilarious and devastating at the same time. I am so thankful for our language teacher! She is more patient and gracious than I can ever imagine being with someone who is trying to learn a language and instead is butchering it! Thankfully most days we can laugh about some silly, stupid mistake that one of us has made.

Sometimes I feel like I'm doing great and will have no problem learning French (this is normally right after a good day in class), then the next afternoon (after class) I feel like I have a tongue made of lead and a head full of feathers. Where did all those beautiful French words and phrases go that I had on the tip of my tongue just yesterday? Where is the little bit of pride I had when I was able to ask
 " Ou' est la sucre?"
(Where is the sugar?)

I am finding that in Language learning everyday brings new and unexpected challenges as well as sweet, unexpected victories! The key is relying on God to turn my tongue of lead to silver and my head full of feathers to a storehouse of knowledge!

I would like to ask you guys for prayer in continued language acquisition and having the courage to start speaking French more often. Thank you for your support and love!

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2 notes

  1. Well said! I got to laugh a bit. Praying for you dear girl. Looking forward to seeing you Sunday (we'll keep the pestilence at bay).

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Sometime we do just sit back and laugh. The mispronunciation of words is a constant way to keep us humble. Can't wait to see you guys and thanks for the prayers they are muchly appreciated. tell everyone hey!


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