life's snapshots // 1


// 1. donkeys & golden fields, the things morning walks are made of // 2. all doubt of missionaries being cool is removed when they have tortoises for pets  "oh, you have a watch dog?  i have a 40 year old watch tortoise"  // 3.  looking forward to when this girl gets back from furlough // 4. skies right out of pixar movies // 5. neighborhood picture time // 6. the "grocery" store next door // 

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3 notes

  1. Ahhhh, yay! Photos <3 so precious. I love when you post snapshots-- and following on instagram too, of course! I kinda neeeed to have you guestpost over at my blog once I get the new layout up there, girl. If you would like to of course. (:

    1. aww thanks :) I would LOVE to guestpost, I'm really looking forward to seeing the new layout!


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