lizards, spiders & cheesy smiles.


i looked today and realized that i haven't blogged for almost a whole month…  you see, the thing about that is i've been writing, going through photos & scouring everyplace possible for the perfect quotes.  but they're still sitting in my ever-growing collection of drafts… so today i decided to stop the streak of silence and prove that i'm still breathing.

you see, one of the things about living overseas, is that you still do some of the same things in life that you do in the states, they're just done a little differently.  

like now, i'm not just the person that everyone yells for when they see a spider, now i get to catch lizards too.  yeah, lizards have made their home in our pantry (and kitchen, and living room, and a lot of other places…) which is totally okay with me because they keep the bugs down.  but mom has a borderline hatred for anything that has scales; so when she yells, i come a-running.

also, instead of just naming pets and the animals on the lot i've also taken to naming the creatures who like to live in my ceiling.  wether birds or rats, they are all named george, just for convenience sake. 

because everyone knows that being normal is way overrated… 

outside of lizard & spider wrangling, i've been loving our little farm (we're currently drowning in chicks) & wading through school with the help of coffee & black licorice (see above quote).  

and just a tip in case you've got some record going for not crying, don't watch the help.  amazing movie, but oh my goodness i bawled my eyes out. 

| cheesy photos at the bottom courtesy of the brother who commandeered my camera |

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6 notes

  1. Was praying for ya last night! I'm glad to hear you're doing alright!! :~) The spider thing sounds like my life...heehee! ;~)

    1. thank you, you don't know how much that means to me :)

  2. Hahaha! I'd be screaming if there were lizards and/or spiders in *my* house too. Your mother has my sympathy. ;)

    I've heard The Help is good. P'raps I'll watch it sometime! :)

    1. i'll be sure to tell her ;) and yes, the help is good, you should watch it.

  3. Jesse needs to take the camera more! And I don't know HOW i missed this post but OH MY GOSH THAT BUNNY. I'd move to Africa just to pet it. And the goats are also adorable. The only thing that's cuter than a bunny and a goat, is YOU! Love you!!!

    1. yes and yes. we have nine bunnies right now and more on the way, so i'll start getting your room ready ;) xoxo


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