Atlanta Fest part 1


 This past Wednesday-Saturday we had a booth at Atlanta Fest, a 4-day christian music festival. We were selling bracelets from Threads of Hope, the sales of the bracelets would benefit both Threads of Hope and our vehicle fund for Burkina.
 The whole family had a great time talking to folks, enjoying great music and speakers and being blessed with great booth neighbors. It was a true time of fellowship and of refreshment, spiritual refreshment that is, it was definitely not physically refreshing on Wednesday and Thursday. I thought that I was going to melt into a puddle.
 But- I survived!  As mom would say, it was "training" for Burkina. In Burkina that kind of weather would have been a cool day in the summer. Just thinking about that kinda makes me want to cry but I know that God won't give me things that I can't handle. SO without any further ado, Day 1 of Atlanta Fest pics:

 Audio Adrenaline was one of the bands that played Wednesday night right after Sidewalk Prophets ( who were totally amazing, but sadly I forgot the camera at the booth )

 Their piano was awesome!

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