A Day of Rest....and Chocolate Chip Cookies


A sweet  friends came over and made us lunch after church, and chocolate chip cookies.  I love her more than ever before!  I told her that she could come and make us cookies any time she pleased.
 I will add that these are the first homemade cookies we have had since being in France and as our friend said "They aren't the best I've ever had, but they are".

Hoping your dimanche (Sunday) was as sweet as mine was!

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5 notes

  1. Those chocolate chip cookies look delicious!! :)

    1. They were a little burned on the bottom because we're still trying to figure out our oven and the whole Fahrenheit to Celsius thing, but they were really good! Plus, because they don't have chocolate chips here we "had" to cut up a dark chocolate bar, oh darn!

  2. Yum! Sounds like a good friend and a nice time :)

  3. We all know how Wheaton's feel about chocolate chip cookies! How did your dad make it so long without cookies!?!?! :)

    1. I really don't know, when He saw your comment he said "Yeah, Karissa knows!" We bought some cheap ones at the store at those worked. None of the baking supplies are the same here, they don't really have brown sugar and their flour is all different. But we were thrilled how these turned out!


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