

How does a family make their European apartment feel homier?   Well they go to Ikea of course!  We went to  get some rugs and any other necessities that we might find there! It was an adventure to say the least!  We saw everything from crazy American hippies to  a guy that I swear walked out of Napoleon Dynamite (by the way, I only watched the first 15 minutes of that movie before I shut it off out of pure boredom) .  Throw in French and weird music (courtesy of the hippies!) and you have the first half of our day!

I almost fell asleep on the 30 minute bus ride to Ikea, so thankful for sunglasses! Anyway, we got there all in one piece, it was so nice to be in a place that is pretty familiar for the first time in many moons!  We enjoyed meatballs and soda at the food court, much to my delight!

 To keep it short, we ended up walking out of there with 5 rugs, yep 5!  I had serious doubts of how we were gonna get them back home, but as the above pics prove we got 'er done!  The one thing about being in a huge city where you don't know anybody is that you can get away with pretty much anything, and there is almost always someone with a odd thing on the train. On our ride into Paris there was a man with a accordion who hopped on and serenaded us for a while.  I wanted to get a picture but it wasn't possible, so I'll just leave you to your imagination.

Throw in a trip to Starbucks, trying a macaroon for the first time, knowing that a Body Shop is not too far away, getting stuffed into a train car that already had too many people in it, a bus ride and a walk to get fresh bread and you have a pretty awesome day!

 Sound like fun? Come visit and we can show you how to have a pretty awesome day in France, Wheaton style.

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8 notes

  1. Sounds like a fun filled day. We Yellow Daisied today and I have sweat enough for 4 people! We had a nice time and walked away with apple cider donuts as usual. Gonna go climbing with Uncle T tonight, updates later :)

    1. I wish we could have been there! Have fun climbing.

  2. Wow! Sounds like a pretty fun day! :)

  3. Whoa, that is WAY cool! I would love to go to France someday :)

    1. It's really cool, you should totally come if you ever get the chance!

  4. Ikea always makes everything better! And I guess I forgot that you all don't have a car! Have your parents driven yet? Dad said it was totally freaky! (he only drove in England, thank goodness, because otherwise he would have never made it anywhere since he can't read french!)

    1. They haven't driven yet and I don't think that we are planning on it. I don't think there would be an occasion when we would have access to a car. But it did really freak us out when we first got here, the driving is totally crazy! Thankfully they at least drive on the right side of the road here, I wasn't expecting that.


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